The hybrid capital

Manila and its Singular Culture

a cura di Samuele Sangalli

Prefazione di Myla Grace Ragenia Catalbas Macahilig

18,05 19,00

This text marks, for the Synderesis School, the completion of a fourth triennial cycle, whose specific focus has been the phenomenon of urbanisation as the likely outcome for an increasingly globalised world. After the

This text marks, for the Synderesis School, the completion of a fourth triennial cycle, whose specific focus has been the phenomenon of urbanisation as the likely outcome for an increasingly globalised world. After the detailed analysis of megalopolises during the last two sessions, firstly in Europe (Rome, Sangalli 2021), then America (Mexico City, Sangalli 2022), and with the principal aim of understanding the configuration of C21st cities, the Asian hub of Manila, lying at the heart of the famous archipelago, is our focus this time. Given its unique, ‘Western-hybrid’cultural tradition, it is of particular interest as an atelier of inclusivity and shared living between bearers of different cultures and traditions, leading to a ‘patchwork quilt’of cultures and traditions which one hopes will be respectful of the individual features of each person. The capital of the Philippines, extending over a vast metropolitan area, is a perfect example of contradictory urban complexity, the result of a population that is ever-increasing, a geopolitical context that is constantly shifting and a geographical situation contending with major environmental issues.



Sinderesi Lecture
Looking to an Inclusive Future: After ‘Fourth Centuries in a Spanish Convent and Fifthy Years in Hollywood’


Lecture n. 1
HISTORY. The ‘Catholic Country of Asia’: From the Spanish Colonization to Present Challenges

Lecture n. 2
GEOPOLITICS. Philippine Politics: A Fragile Democracy Beyond Corruption and Dynasties

Lecture n. 3
SOCIETY. My Manila: A Complex City

Lecture n. 4
CLIMATE. The Philippines’ Climate. Ecological Conversion in front of a Warning of Environmental Degradation

Lecture n. 5
CHRISTIANITY. The Santo Niño and the 500th Anniversary of Christian Evangelization

Lecture n. 6
INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. Philippine Catholic Heritage and Religious Diversities: Echoes from Mindanao

Lecture n. 7
INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. Buddhist Catholic in the Philippines: Chinese Buddhism Encounters Filipino Catholics

Lecture n. 8
ANTHROPOLOGY. Manila: Faces of the Islands or Gates of Hell? Optics for Understanding Manila’s Contexts and Cultures





collana: Varia, bic: JH, 2023, pp 360, Inglese
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isbn: 9788849878707