Slovak Studies 1-2/2019
Rivista dell'Istituto Storico Slovacco di Roma
€13,30 €14,00
Rus’ and the Russians – Hungary and the Hungarians. An Attempted Parallel, Martin Homza
Bischof Pavol Hnilica und der Heilige Stuhl (1951–1990), Emilia Hrabovec
The Return of the Russian Delegation from the Council of Florence. Through
Rus’ and the Russians – Hungary and the Hungarians. An Attempted Parallel, Martin Homza
Bischof Pavol Hnilica und der Heilige Stuhl (1951–1990), Emilia Hrabovec
The Return of the Russian Delegation from the Council of Florence. Through the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, Anna A. Hlaváčová
I Basiliani nello specchio delle fonti scritte legate alla tradizione bizantino-slava in Slovacchia a cavallo tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo, Ľubomíra Wilšinská
Austro-Hungarian Flyers of k. u. k. Luftfahrtruppen from the Territory of Modern Slovakia Deployed above the Valsugana, Juraj Červenka
Le prime notizie sull’uccisione degli ebrei a firma di Burzio. Il retroscena d’un rapporto inviato da Bratislava, Peter Slepčan
Congressman Charles J. Kersten and the United States of America Congress’ Select committee on Communist Aggression, Beáta Katrebová Blehová
- La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 2025.02.26
Lo Stato ideale? In Lucania
di Mariapaola Vergallito