Etica pubblica 2/2022 – Studi su legalità e partecipazione

Transparency in tension: between accountability and legitimacy

a cura di Benedetto Ponti

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This is another issue of our journal «Etica pubblica. Studi su legalità e partecipazione» written completely in English. It is in line with our original project to publish a genuinely international journal looking at

This is another issue of our journal «Etica pubblica. Studi su legalità e partecipazione» written completely in English. It is in line with our original project to publish a genuinely international journal looking at the Italian situation in a comparative perspective: the essays that Benedetto Ponti has collected on the theme of transparency are inspired by this aim. Moreover they confirm another feature of our journal: the interdisciplinary approach. The theme of transparency is discussed here by scholars of different disciplines: students of law, political scientists, philosophers. I believe that in this way we may offer a more comprehensive view of an «opportunity» to improve our democracies. Indeed, there is no doubt that transparency can be named «an opportunity» as it is an instrument for the participation of the citizens to the life of the community: discussing the problems that transparency still meets in different contexts can contribute to improve citizens participation. At the same time, transparency is an «obligation» too: as stated in almost all of the essays collected in this issue it is a necessary qualification of a democratic regime. Such as Immanuel Kant suggested, there is no democracy without transparency. The essays of this present issue do not hide that transparency faces many problems: their investigation represents the contribution that «Etica Pubblica. Studi su Legalità e Partecipazione» may offer to the community of scholars and citizens. In this issue of the journal Benedetto Ponti takes care also of our section «Note e commenti» (usually edited by Nando dalla Chiesa) with an intervention of a journalist that passed through a «difficult» transparency experience. «Letti e riletti», edited by Francesco Clementi, collects reviews of the books of four associates of the journal: Enrico Carloni, Donatella Della Porta, Nando dalla Chiesa e Alberto Vannucci.


In this issue
Paolo Mancini

The transparency mix: an introduction
Benedetto Ponti

At the roots of transparency: a public-ethics perspective
Alberto Pirni

The complex relationship between transparency, legitimation and accountability – some evidence from the fight against corruption
Agustí Cerrillo Martínez, Benedetto Ponti

Transparency in the EU system of governance: the successes and pitfalls of a new pre-requisite for democracy
Hélène Michel

Exploring patterns of implementation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in local government: the case of Italy
Lorenzo Cicatiello, Elina De Simone, Fabrizio Di Mascio, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta, Alessandro Natalini

Lessons learned? How open government research can inform platform transparency
Paddy Leerssen

Letti e riletti
La corruzione come sistema. Meccanismi, dinamiche, attori
Enrico Campelli

Il paradigma trasparenza. Amministrazioni, informazione, democrazia
Francesco Clementi

Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino. Ostinati e contrari. La sfida della mafia nelle parole di grandi protagonisti
Paolo Mancini

Note e commenti
Journalism and the active use of transparency tools both at European and national level: lights and shadows
Antonio Grizzuti

Gli autori



collana: Riviste, bic: JP, 2022, pp 122, Inglese
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isbn: 9788849874747